Thursday, September 27, 2007

Congress, 1, President, 0

So, I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention: The Senate just attached a Hate Crimes Bill to the Pentagon spending bill. That's pretty much awesome, because Bush already looks kinda like a dick (and by kinda, I mean he does) for threatening a veto of it. Mainly, though, it means that if he wants to veto this bill really badly, he's going to have to veto the defense spending bill.

Touche, Senate. Touche.
"The defense authorization is about dealing with the challenges of terrorism overseas...This (bill) is about terrorism in our neighborhood," said Sen. Edward Kennedy ... the chief Democratic sponsor. "We want to fight terrorism here at home with all of our weapons." Full story.
I just want to say, when Kennedy isn't womanizing, drinking, or being pretty much an awful person, sometimes he sure can rock.


Anonymous said...

I love Congress.
And this is the last time I ever say that. Until I go to DC in April.

Skelly's Roommate said...

Who doesn't love congress? Oh, that's right. Your face.

EmKay said...


Skelly needs a new hat. A tricorner hat. Or maybe a parrot skeleton for his shoulder.

Skelly's Roommate said...

Ohmigod, MK, you must get me a parrot skeleton. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?