Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October's first This Week in tools

So, I've been a bit busy, so I've had my friend, Zombie Polar Bear, write some things for me for This Week in Tools. Here it is, unedited:

damnit, ZPB. This isn't craigslist, it's my blog. Is that all you have to say for yourself?


EmKay said...

I'd tap that like the first keg at Oktoberfest.

... oh, what am I saying? That's disgusting, he's a ZOMBIE.

Skelly's Roommate said...

I like that if he were a normal polar bear, that wouldn't bug you

EmKay said...

Hahaha, precisely.

Ian said...

You worship a false Panda Bear God.


Skelly's Roommate said...

Zombie! Zombie Panda Bear God. Come on, Ian. If you're going to be crazy, you should at lieast be right.