Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October Awareness Award

So, my friend Susan was the first to notice something. While I won't give away what it is, I do want to present her with the First Ever October Awareness Award.

This award goes to those most aware of October, from the start of it, all the way to the end of it.

Congratualations Susan. Some day soon I'll have an award certificate for you, suitable for framing.


EmKay said...

Generally I'm aware of how October it is by the fact that there are 31 days until my birthday at the start of the month.

And it's Rocktober, not October.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Susan!

Skelly's Roommate said...

wow, mk.

just wow.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything about MK's comment that isn't true? Nope. Rock on, bitches.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Shame I didn't receive this prestigious award last week; I could have put it on my Mitchell application.


Anonymous said...

obviously older offspring of octogenarian olfactory oracle - only october offal offends. D