Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Opportunities for success!

I have some life goals I want to share with you. This is a work in progress, but tonight I'm going to give you a sample of three:

1. Pull open the blinds and scare the poo out of a kid. (Poo optional.) I've always wanted to be that creepy guy that scares kids on the street. Hopefully this goal will get easier as I get older.

2. Win an election. I have lost elections for Senior Class Treasurer, Freshman Rep, Hardin Hall Rep, Intramurals rep, Politcs Rep, and Vice President of the Senate. I would like to eventually win something. We'll see.

3. Finish this list. And this screenplay for USC. Both of these will happen soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude - you are in a pithy self-pitying mode this a.m. That does not become you. Write a screenplay, and get rich & famous... D