Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Order, Law and

My friend MK made this. I think it is funny. Enjoy.

Oh, also, The Graduate is good. I recommend it. Also, no one reads my blog anymore.


Anonymous said...

I read it.

EmKay said...

But is it every day that you get to watch Law and Order: Love Boat?

I do not think so!

Skelly's Roommate said...

I wish it could be everyday.

Anonymous said...

I think you make the erroneous assumption that if no one comments, they are not reading.

Really what you need to do is add more to comment on. You could ask us pointed questions about life ("What's it all about?") or make challenging statements ("We should re-intern the Japanese. And maybe Norwegians!") Then, speaking for myself, I'd feel more compelled to comment.

-Susan (Wijnmaand)