Monday, October 1, 2007


Now, I think its fair enough to say that I am an Obama fan. I donated to his campaign (which was my first ever political donation) and have advocated his canidacy since before he announced. That being said, I do have one problem:

Seriously? I mean... Seriously?

P.S: If someone wanted to buy me that shirt... I would wear it. Not the Che one. I may be a liberal middle-class college student... but I'm not tacky.


EmKay said...

Hahahaha, that's slightly tacky but very fun.

Steve Patterson said...
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Steve Patterson said...

Well, I don't know what to say. I wouldn't wear either of those shirts. On the other hand, I'm really happy that you finally got around to putting up a new post.

Keep coming back.

Chris Eastland said...

I't doesn't look so similar, I mean, it's merely a stylized portrait of Obama. This one is tacky too, but has a certain undeniable charm: